Danny Dickerson Heals Himself and Creates a Business to Help Others Do the Same

By Ken Hamilton on November 11, 2023

Majix Dragon - Bubbles and Bits

Nottingham, MD – For the past nine years, Danny Dickerson and his team have been providing holistic and metaphysical services for mind, body, and spiritual healing.  Both of their shops (Majix Dragon and Zinzuedo) in the Baltimore area offer a range of modalities and practices to encourage their self-healing abilities to go into effect.  These include shamanism, herbalism, Reiki, cupping, oils, massage and even a doctor to perform fascial counterstrain.


One happy customer raves “A very organized, knowledgeable and genuinely nice shop! They always have a wide range of items and a lot of regular stock things. The owners are fantastic and always there to help. I have taken a few classes as well, and they have all been excellent. Great place for anyone, new or seasoned!”

We sat down for a quick interview with Danny.

Q: How did you get into this profession?

A: “Ultimately it all started when I met one of my current business partners and became interested in how she helped people get healthier.  I had a past that included drug abuse in the distant past, then got clean and became a chef for 30 years which included earning a culinary education.

“After meeting Jen, I transitioned from being a chef and studied to be a personal trainer and brought that knowledge with me as I transformed to become a holistic health practitioner.”

Q: What makes your business unique?

Majix Dragon - Bubbles and Bits

A: “We draw on the knowledge of local experts in their respective fields.  Each of our locations has as many as 10 different practitioners who are specialists in the services they provide.  In addition to that, we offer various products such as oils and crystals that can elevate your healing process.  Whether you are interested in a healing session or becoming certified to perform healing yourself, we can assist you on your spiritual path.”

Q: What makes you so passionate about this profession?

A: “In 2015 I was in a bad car accident.  I was seeing a neurologist who ultimately gave up on me and told me he could not cure me and no longer wanted to work with me.

“ I utilized holistic practices and even created an oil called “Noggin Oil” to help with migraines.  I have seen vast improvement in my cognitive functions including improved memory and reduced frequency of migraines.  This gives me the conviction as I know what we do works, and I really want to help others who may be suffering.”

For those of you who are looking for a holistic healing services or exploring your spiritual path, you can call or visit either Majix Dragon or Zinzuedo websites at www.majixdragon.com and www.zinzeudo.com or call (410)248-4163 or (410)686-0185 respectively.

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