Pain to Power Therapy Services LLC

By Cassel Paul on August 2, 2021

Brittany D. Harvey

Brittany D. Harvey, LCSW is the owner and Clinical Director of Pain to Power Therapy Services LLC.

Her therapy practice offers cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as holistic therapy methods for the overall empowerment and well-being of those who are experiencing the effects of a life-changing and/or traumatic event. Brittany is an alumna of Michigan State University (BSW) and the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, having obtained her Masters in Clinical Social Work. Her passion for what she does is not only reflective in the heart-felt tone of her speech, but also in all that she does for, and gives to our community.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Brittany for a quick interview to gain more insight regarding her work and intention in the field of mental health, as we move forward amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: What made you come up with the name for your business?

A: “I chose Pain to Power Therapy Services because of not only the pain that I was experiencing and working through at the time but also because of the pain I saw others experiencing. I work to help people to identify that pain, acknowledge it, and begin to embrace the power inside of all of us that enables us to transform our thoughts, perspectives, actions, and relationships, to begin to witness more healthy outcomes.”

 Q: Overall, what are the services that you provide?

A: “I provide individual therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy; based on the clients’ needs, focus, and personal goals.”

Q: What’s the main problem you solve for your clients?

A: “I help people create and maintain balance in their life. I achieve this by helping my clients to identify, understand, and navigate whatever life challenges that they may be experiencing. Mental illness occurs when there is some kind of imbalance in a persons’ life that hasn’t been identified and properly nurtured.  I help to identify that present imbalance and introduce wellness tools that empower my clients to begin to heal themselves, through daily practice.

Q: What are the areas you cover?

A: “Because of the virtual world that we now live in, I’ve actually been able to extend my work to meet the therapeutic needs of people nationally and internationally. I’ve also been able to engage in service work with young girls in Liberia, by educating them on the importance and benefits of social and emotional wellbeing.  I will be traveling to Africa to visit the young women and participate in the practices face to face in December of this year”

Q: Who is your ideal client and why would people reading this be inclined to choose you over a competitor?

A: “My ideal client is someone who is looking for effective change to assist them on their healing journey. My clientele consists of men and women between the ages of 18 and 45.”

Q: What sets you apart from the competition?

A: “One thing is not only done I offer cognitive behavioral therapy, but I also use holistic therapy methods which draw attention to fulfilling the needs of the mind, body, and spirit. Many of the holistic practices are introduced during therapy sessions. Clients then begin to translate their practices to everyday living. It’s essential to incorporate these skills into the home environment on a consistent basis.”

Q: Why did you go into this business? Is there a special story behind it?

A: I initially wanted to be a pediatrician but found as I went through my undergraduate classes at Michigan State University, I was more intrigued by the thoughts, actions, behaviors, and societal influences that people exhibit. This made me look deeper into how these components affect their mental health and relationships. The more I learned, the more I wanted to assist in this area of focus. Years later, and with much more life experiences, Pain to Power Therapy Services was birthed.”

Q: How many people work for you? Is there anyone, in particular, you would like to mention in the article? And why?

A: “Currently, I work as an individual private practice. However, I am looking to welcome clinicians to work with me. I also supervise Limited License Social Workers (LLMSW) who want to become fully licensed (LMSW).”

Q: Your business mostly operates in Metro Detroit. What do you like most about living here?

A: “I live and am based in Metro Detroit Michigan, but my services are rendered virtually, so I pretty much provide care locally, nationally, and internationally.  What I like most about Detroit is the spirit of resiliency. Detroit has always embodied the energy and light of resilience. This is my hometown. What better place to start my foundation than here?”

Q:  Do you have any hobbies?

A:  Traveling, reading, writing poetry, and journaling

 Q: If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing a therapist, what would it be?

A: “Choose someone that you feel comfortable with.  Do your research based on what you are personally experiencing, and find someone that will serve your needs.”

Q: Any other special life events you would like to share?

A: “The presence of my niece and nephew in my life. Their existence alone inspires me to be the best me possible, for myself and for them.”

 Q: What is the most significant event that ever happened to you?

A: “The passing of my brother. The depth of darkness that I experienced began my personal healing journey. The healing work that I continue to do ultimately makes me a better servant leader in the field of mental health.”

 Q: What did you learn from that experience?

A: “I’m still in the learning process…after 7 years I’m learning to find the Light in my loss, by becoming closer to God and my internal voice. Through that, I’ve been able to find my purpose.”

 Q: Do you personally or via the business support a charity?

A: “I do volunteer and provide education and Social-Emotional Learning to youth at Christ Children’s Home (CCH) orphanage, in Gbarnga, Bong County Liberia. This work is established through Save More Kids. As I stated earlier, I am very excited to travel abroad to visit them in December. I also serve as the Director of Wellness with Journey to Healing, Inc.


Save More Kids – Period Project

Q: Do you have any special awards/certifications?

A:  ”Yes, I have certification in  Trauma-Informed Care”.

Q: Are you part of a local business networking group?

A: “I have a partnership with Inception, the first mental health gym, and Journey To Healing, Inc.”

Inception, The First Mental Health Gym:

Journey To Healing:

 Q: Is the business growing?

A: “Yes, mental health resources are needed now more than ever, given where we’re at with the pandemic and societal events going on.”

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: “Yes, I enjoy traveling, reading, painting, writing poetry, and journaling.”

If you’ve been affected by a traumatic life experience, or feel stuck and can’t seem to move forward, let therapist, Brittany Harvey of Pain to Power Therapy Services provide you the care and expertise you need to help you move towards a place of acceptance and self-growth.– “Transforming pain into power with Intention, Self- Exploration, and Love.”




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