All Aboard! Lorianne Isaacson Helps Doctors Turn Runaway Trains into Sound Healthcare Practices

By Trevor Eisenman on April 30, 2021

Lorianne Isaacson

Lorianne Isaacson has a knack for transforming healthcare practices. When she’s done working over a doctor’s office, the doctor has shifted from an exhausted, harried executive to an expert focused on their craft – instead of chasing up their staff. The whole office experiences a new peace of mind – because everyone knows what is expected and knows how to do their job – through smart, efficient, and effective onboarding. 

Employee Attrition Reduced

In other words, the entire practice moves “back on the tracks” by becoming systems-dependent, instead of people-dependent. Runaway trains become productive, stable practices in a matter of months, immediately improving employee turnover.

“We’re so successful because we actually roll up our sleeves to transform an office,” Lorianne tells me simply, wielding hefty binders of policies and procedures like Thor’s hammer, protection against management chaos, and toxic work environments. “Doctors already know how they want their practice to be run, but they need hands-on implementation. Everyone in the practice is already too busy with the day-to-day,” she explains further, “We just get everyone on the same page, same policies and track results. The management of the practice becomes sane, easy, predictable.”

Lorianne, married and a mother of 2, is the owner of Personnel Matters™, a business services company providing implementation way beyond simple consulting. A California native, she attended school in Florida and eventually moved her business to Clearwater 6 years ago for the warm beaches and Tampa’s productive small business climate. “Don’t forget the Tampa Buccaneers!” she adds with a smile.

A self-made entrepreneur who brings true value to her community, Lorianne is what we like to call a Local Biz Hero. High standards of professionalism and the strong work ethic of small business owners like Lorianne and her clients are the infrastructures of the Clearwater and Tampa economy.

We sat down with Lorrianne for a quick interview:

 Q: Why do you do what you do? 

 A: “My parents led by example with a passion for helping people, and by loving their work – work they do still today! I’ve followed in their footsteps, and so have my children and husband. My 8-year-old son practices football several hours a day to be like Tom Brady. My 11-year-old daughter studies 5 dance styles, 40+ hours a week. My husband is a high-end personal chef. We all strive to do it right the first time and create something incredible. It’s our legacy.”

Q: How did you get into this profession?

A: “After my first child, creating a family life became more important, but I still had a calling to help people. This was back in 2007 when I was a property manager, and the economy had just crashed – offices were closing all over. It broke my heart. Helping doctors rebuild their office administratively (so they could keep up with rent payments) just came naturally. I realized personnel does matter, and I could help a business survive economic ups and downs. Personnel Matters evolved from there.”

Q: What was a favorite implementation project? 

A: “A chiropractor client built up from 1 office to 3 offices and was still able to take vacations 2 times a year and attend his son’s basketball games, all while building up his company. He has a team now that knows exactly how he wants his business to run – so he doesn’t worry anymore.” 

Q: If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing an Implementation & Business Strategy Specialist, what would it be?

A: “Look for someone whose focus is to take what you have and turn it into something amazing by codifying and implementing your processes, not just tell you what you already know.”

Personnel Matters

If you are a doctor or business owner looking to improve staff retention and create a smooth, productive practice, codify your business systems! Lorianne’s proven Employee Retention Blueprint will systemize YOUR successful practice into a smooth, lean business machine. Find out more at or call 727-334-8300 to connect with Lorianne by phone.


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