Dream Hire Express: A Revolutionary Service and App to Support Early Education Centers Seeking Temporary Staffing and Those Who Want to Apply

By Brendon Worth on August 17, 2023

Dream Hire Express

Los Angeles, CA – Candice Addison founded Dream Hire Express to provide temp workers and permanent staffing to early education centers through a mobile app. The company also consults with employers to help them increase and maintain their staffing.

Candice Addision

Candice wants to help schools that are struggling with staffing particularly smaller schools. The app became available in February 2021. 

A lot of businesses angst over coming up with the right name. But Candice says that the name of her company Dream Hire Express popped into her head immediately because it is  a dream come true for both the people looking for work and the administrators trying to fill roles. Currently the company operates solely in Los Angeles, but Candice has plans to expand throughout California and eventually nationwide.

We asked Candice the questions you may want answered about her business.

What sets you apart from your competition?

Dream Hire Express was created by a mom and former early education administrator. We offer express services with no advance notice required. All our substitutes are prequalified, ensuring that all teachers are certified to work with all age groups. Finally, we have a rating system in place to make sure that centers only get matched with subs that they love.

Why did you go into this business? 

I personally experienced issues around staffing in early childhood education. I wanted to solve this problem, and I created the Dream Hire Express app to help fill this gap. It allows administrators to fill sudden needs, and it enables parents and students who are temps to have flexible schedules.

What is the most significant event that ever happened to you? 

At one point in my life, I became homeless. It taught me that I can push through anything. My advice is to find what you’re passionate about, because it can shape your whole life and change it for you and for your children.

If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing a provider like yourself, what would it be?

Go with a person that’s passionate about helping you, not just the person who wants to make money. Go with a person that’s people-driven not business-driven. 

Candice Addision

What’s the most unusual job / client interaction you ever had? 

Once a parent told me that they didn’t want their child playing with toys, because they had their child there to learn and they didn’t believe in toys. 

Any other special life events you would like to share?

The birth of my three children motivated me to try to make the world better for them and be the best mom I can be. 


Are you part of any local business networking groups?

Alpha Investments Group has been an  amazing sounding board for my business.

Do you have any awards or certifications?

I achieved

  • Ashford Champs Peer Mentor while in school
  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude 
  • Ashford Honors College Scholar
  • Alpha Sigma Lambda Honors Society
  • Golden Key International Honor Society

What’s the tagline for your business?

Get Liberated

What’s the best thing you like about being in the Los Angeles area?

I love the diversity. There are so many different people and things to do. 

Do you have a hobby?

I write poetry, take walks and enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’m extremely excited about Dream Hire Express. I had humble beginnings, but I am ready to make a big impact with this revolutionary business model. Those considering my services should take the first step. They won’t regret it!

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